Livestock policy
Livestock interact with sustainable development in positive and negative ways. We provide a balanced view on livestock policy for people and planet.
other recent work
Livestock interact with sustainable development in positive and negative ways. We provide a balanced view on livestock policy for people and planet.
We review the three centuries of global agricultural land use trends and their impacts on environmental health and food security.
The Colours of Food Security is an exhibit that takes you on a journey through the food system today. Co-created with the LUGE lab.
I founded LiteFarm, the world’s first digital platform for participatory assessment of social, environmental and economic outputs of farming systems.
I was on the team that wrote the WDR 2021. Harnessing the power of data for development, to ensure no one is left behind.
Here we show that while small farms only make up around 25% of the world's agricultural land they produce a third of the world's food.
We built Farm Geek. Bringing the data underlying the big ideas and claims in food system interventions to your fingertips.
We are systematically mapping evidence based solutions for water scarcity with Ceres2030. Sustainable solutions for ending hunger.
I led the team who developed the world's first ever baselines for data driven farming interventions with global reach. Informing tech for the future.
With a growing population, volatile markets, biodiversity loss, and natural disasters, people are worried about food system collapse. Should we be?
Half Earth is a recent proposal from conservation leaders calling humanity to give half of the planet back to nature. Is it possible?
We estimate the farm gate cost of heat waves and droughts over 1961-2014 to be 237 billion USD (2005 constant dollars).
I'm part of a large team of researchers, developers, designers and farmers on a mission to make agricultural technology open, today.
Global demand for coffee is constantly rising while the security of its production is increasingly threatened by disease and a changing climate. Is its site of origin able to provide solutions to these challenges?
We need new ways of farming that are better for the people and planet, but do they carry trade-offs?
We're losing diversity in our food systems. I co-founded the Diversified Agro-ecosystems Research Cluster to work out how to reverse that.
Why shifting baselines are important when setting biodiversity targets to live in harmony with nature.
I was one of 500+ contributing authors to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services first Global Assessment. Read the summary report here.